In the first of a two-part series, Stephen Saucerman explores key elements of competitive bidding – in the hope that an understanding of the associated pitfalls will better equip engineers to address the problems. Having been in this industry for over 40 years, working primarily as a commercial construction estimator and project manager, Stephen explores the key elements of CB that make up...
ACEI is pleased to announce the Design Excellence Award Winners for 2017.The awards were presented at the ACEI Awards Dinner, Shelbourne Hotel on 31 March 2017.Congratulations to all of the winning firms and their projects which were selected from a strong field of nominations.
Mechanical & Electrical Large Project Category - Joint Winners
CitA are delighted to announce the details of the first event in our 2017 Smarter Cooperative Building Series. The event titled "A Public Sector BIM Adoption Strategy Update" will take place on the 15th of February in No.6 Kildare Street. Click here for further information and registration....