
A new report by Engineers Ireland has found that there is ongoing buoyancy in the sector, with 77% of employers’ financial position improving in 2018 and 89% expecting their financial position to improve in 2019. The report, titled ...
In November 2018, Hannah Vickers announced ACE’s Future of Consultancy campaign in London. The aim of the campaign is to prepare the engineering industry in the UK for the challenges brought on by the fourth industrial revolution brought on by a significant rise in the importance of data and technology. Since then, much work has been done in designing the initial campaign and identifying the four...
ACEI welcomes the update from Ciara Ahern, Head of the Building Engineering programme in the Technological University Dublin (TUD previously DIT) as she continues to promote Building Engineering as a career along with the assistance of an expert Steering Group that includes ACEI members. On 6th March 2019, an article in The Independent highlighted the shortage of Building Engineers. Read...
ACEI would like to thank Irish Water for facilitating two recent very successful workshops for members on connection processes. The workshops were full, and ACEI members were provided with much valuable information during interactive discussions.  A photo taken at one of the Workshops is below including ACEI Secretary General Sarah Ingle and Irish Water presenters: ...
As part of a Government of Ireland Initiative, NSAI invites you to attend a briefing on the potential impacts of Brexit on the construction sector, taking place in both Dublin and Cork.  This event is relevant for: ...