
The Swedish Federation of Consulting Engineers and Architects have published a Swedish, Nordic and European report on the consulting engineering market produced in Sweden in cooperation with the Nordic associations.The full report can be viewed ...
The December 2018 issue of The Voice of EFCA has been issued which focuses on the need to raise the importance of lifecycle cost over simple cost of construction which has been recognised in the 2014 European Public Procurement Directive.Click here to view the...
The Minister of State for Housing, Planning and Local Government, Mr. Damien English T.D signed the Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2018 (S.I.No.526 of 2018) which came into effect on 17 December 2018.See attached letter here and copy of the regulations ...
IT Sligo was delighted to confer the first graduates from the new MEng in Road and Transport Engineering. This programme was launched in 2016 in collaboration with the Local Authority Services National Training Group (LASNTG) and the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and is delivered online on a part time basis. The graduate who was the recipient of the Governing Body Medal (sponsored by LASNTG) as a...
The State of the European Consulting Engineering Sector   The latest sector review from the European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA) shows a stable growing market although uncertainties are growing.  The global size of the architecture and engineering market in Europe is around €350 billion, according to Eurostat...