Many congratulations are due to Marie-Claire Daly, of ACEI member firm PUNCH Consulting Engineers on achieving the Runner-Up Award in the 2020 European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations’ (EFCA) 2020 Future Leaders Award. Marie-Claire’s award was announced at the EFCA Annual General Meeting held online this...
ACEI welcomes the recently published government Return to Work Safely Protocol providing guidance on a framework on which to build return to work planning. Its design allows for the introduction of further sector, industry, or indeed, company specific measures, as long as they enhance the measures set out in the...
A new report, commissioned by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER), has been recently published.
Produced by KPMG and Future Analytics Consulting Ltd. (FAC), and peer reviewed by staff in TU Dublin, the report addresses productivity...