The CIF C-19 induction programme – sites
On Monday 18th May there will be a phased reopening of sites and the ACEI encourages members to ensure they follow the Construction Sector C-19 Pandemic Standard Operating Procedures developed by the CIF Safety and Health Subcommittee mindful of the best available guidance, nationally and internationally, and serves as a guide for the management of COVID-19 on a construction site for the duration of the pandemic. The actions set out in this document should be implemented in tandem with an amended Construction Stage Health and Safety Plan.
Please note that in order to access a site each person must produce the digital card they receive on successful completion of the CIF C-19 online induction programme as outlined in page 11 of the above guidelines. Its purpose is to ensure that everyone working on a construction project understands how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. The CIF C-19 online induction programme is available here.