The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath T.D., has published the Prospects 2022 report which highlights 50 of the largest individual projects that make up Project Ireland 2040. This report aims to provide further visibility on the sequencing of Ireland’s priority infrastructure projects over the coming years, thereby facilitating firms to plan commercial bids for these major infrastructure projects. The Project Ireland 2040 Annual Report for 2021, alongside 3 Regional Reports: Project Ireland 2040 Southern Region; Project Ireland 2040 Northern and Western Region; and Project Ireland 2040 Eastern and Midland Region outlining progress were also recently published.

Prospects 2022 sets out a clear pipeline for some of the largest individual projects that comprise Project Ireland 2040. This sample of the pipeline spans projects that are currently at planning and appraisal stage, to projects which are nearing completion. Construction firms in Ireland, the EU and internationally, are invited to consider the role that they can play in delivering these projects and in doing so help to fulfil the ambitious vision within Project Ireland 2040.

The Annual and Regional Reports for Project Ireland 2040 showcases the steady progress made in the implementation of Project Ireland 2040 in 2021, which sets out a clear long-term strategy backed by investment of €165 billion over a 10 year period as presented in the National Development Plan 2021 – 2030. The revised National Development Plan was published in October 2021.