EFCA Newsletter 11 July
Strategic Agenda in line with EFCA’s priorities
The Council has adopted its strategic agenda for 2024-2029, emphasising key priorities which could have come straight out of the EFCA election manifesto supplement, published earlier this year. Enhancing EU competitiveness (we highlighted EU autonomy); a stronger focus on innovation (we want more scope for ground breaking technical solutions in large public contracts); supporting the green and digital transition through infrastructure investments (our top concern). And as EU citizens spend a summer avoiding ear-shattering thunder storms and worry about flooded basements and aquaplaning home on waterlogged motorways, the Council plans to pressure the EU Commission to act on the Water Resilience Initiative. EFCA has put climate adaptation and reinforcing nature’s own infrastructure at the heart of its own position paper on the Blue Deal and along with 29 other organisations, had urged the Council to prioritise water in the upcoming mandate, recognising its importance for a prosperous and competitive Europe and the resilience of the economy. We welcome the Strategic Agenda and are looking forward to the new political term getting properly underway after the summer break. More information here.
Strategic Agenda in line with EFCA’s priorities
The Council has adopted its strategic agenda for 2024-2029, emphasising key priorities which could have come straight out of the EFCA election manifesto supplement, published earlier this year. Enhancing EU competitiveness (we highlighted EU autonomy); a stronger focus on innovation (we want more scope for ground breaking technical solutions in large public contracts); supporting the green and digital transition through infrastructure investments (our top concern). And as EU citizens spend a summer avoiding ear-shattering thunder storms and worry about flooded basements and aquaplaning home on waterlogged motorways, the Council plans to pressure the EU Commission to act on the Water Resilience Initiative. EFCA has put climate adaptation and reinforcing nature’s own infrastructure at the heart of its own position paper on the Blue Deal and along with 29 other organisations, had urged the Council to prioritise water in the upcoming mandate, recognising its importance for a prosperous and competitive Europe and the resilience of the economy. We welcome the Strategic Agenda and are looking forward to the new political term getting properly underway after the summer break. More information here.
Announcement expected in September
EFCA is proud to have received a nomination in the seventh annual Benelux Enterprise Awards! The Awards 2024 celebrate businesses of all sizes and sectors across the region, from innovative startups to established industry leaders. This initiative honours the diverse businesses driving the region’s economy, recognising their contributions regardless of sector or size. The final winners of the awards will be announced in September 2024, but even just to be acknowledged is an honour and we look forward to finding out! More information here.
EFCA Newsletter is taking a break – returning on 5 September! Have a wonderful and relaxing summer!