This year’s conference theme is “Maximising the potential benefit of European strategic investments

with as subtitle “Emerging business opportunities in Bulgaria and the Balkan region”.

An inspirational presentation by European Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen on the strategic

Investment Plan for Europe will trigger the one-day discussions on critical conditions for investments in

high quality infrastructure and innovative projects.

 The full programme of meetings and events will run from 2-4 June, with the conference taking place

on 3 June. You will find the online registration form and all information on the conference,

accommodation, the social programme, accompanying persons’ programme and the Young Professionals’

programme on the dedicated website at

The European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA) has member associations in 25

countries, and is the sole European federation lobbying on behalf of engineering consultancy and related

services, a sector that employs over one million staff in Europe.