Development of the 2nd Generation Eurocodes
The draft Eurocode- Basis of structural and geotechnical design (prEN 1990) which will eventually supersede the current EN 1990:2002 has been launched for European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) enquiry, the formal process for adoption of a standard.
As with the 1st generation of Eurocodes, prEN 1990 is the cornerstone on which the 2nd Generation Eurocodes will be founded.
To assess how the proposed changes in the code may impact the construction sector in Ireland a review of this draft standard is underway throughout Q4 of 2020 by the NSAI/TC 15 – Structural Eurocodes committee and it’s sub-committees who will carry out a review of the draft and develop comments for submission to CEN/TC 250. The committee will also review all comments received from the public and consider them as part of Ireland’s submission. Due to the significance of this document, the commenting period has been extended beyond the typical 12 week period and is open up to 15th December 2020.
prEN 1990 is available to review here. You can comment on the draft code by visiting the NSAI’s Your Standards Your Say site: here.