Build Digital Project Announcement
Fantastic News!
TU Dublin, CitA, GMIT, Munster Technology University, UCD and Waterford IT are delighted to have been awarded the prestigious Build, Digital Grant. This represents the largest state investment to date in the development and holistic improvement of performance for the Irish construction sector. The project will support sectoral stakeholders, particularly SMEs and clients, in innovating and increasing their productivity while also contributing to reducing the climate impact of the built environment.
This is a significant commitment by the Irish state to deliver on the ambitions of the Government’s Project Ireland 2040 investment strategy. This unique collaboration between five Irish HEIs and CitA will involve working closely with the Construction Sector Innovation and Digital Adoption team established by government and industry to deliver on the seven priority actions detailed in the government’s Building Innovation Report.
Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD announced the Build Digital Project earlier today. You can read his full press release here or listen to it here.