James Kavanagh elected as ACEI President for 2023-2024

James Kavanagh, CEng, EurIng, BSc (Hons) Eng, DipEng, MCIBSE, MIEI, MInstD, FConsEI, was elected ACEI President at the association’s AGM on 24 March 2023.  James has served as a member of the ACEI Executive Board since 2018 and elected as Honorary Treasurer in 2019, 2nd Vice-President & Honorary Treasurer in 2020 and 2021 and 1st Vice-President in 2022.

James holds a Honours Degree in Building Services, is a Chartered Engineer, Registered European Engineer, Fellow of the ACEI and a member of the Institute of Directors with over 30 years’ experience at the forefront of awarding winning design projects. He is also a professional grade membership interviewer with Engineers Ireland and a member of the TU Dublin Building Engineering Industrial and Academic Steering Group.

James is the CEO of Varming Consulting Engineers and is the fourth member of Varming to act as President of the Association. With a history spanning over 75 years Varming’s professional service is designed to enhance the long-term value of a building while playing a hugely significant role in ensuring the sustainability of a building through the creative use of renewable energy, low carbon technologies, and smart energy management.

James will continue the work of previous ACEI presidents especially in regard to implementing ACEI’s Strategy 2022 – 2025. He will also focus on delivering value to the ACEI members while fostering and enhancing their standing within the Consulting Engineering profession and Built Environment sector.