ACEI is pleased to announce the appointment of a new President for 2019-2020.  Gerry Carty, BE, ME, CEng, CWEM, FIEI, MCIWEM, MInsD, FConsEI, was elected ACEI President at the association’s AGM on 14 May 2019.


Gerry Carty is a Chartered Engineer, a Chartered Water and Environmental Manager, a Fellow of Engineers Ireland and a registered Fellow of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (FConsEI).  Gerry is Managing Director of RPS Group Limited and RPS Consulting Engineers Limited and chairs the management boards of both organisations. He was presented with a European CEO of the Year Award at the 2018 CEO Awards in London.


Gerry has over 35 years of experience working as an engineer, environmental consultant, regulator and Director in the private and public sectors.  He has extensive experience in the establishment, re-invigoration and management of organisations delivering and managing infrastructure.  This has included leading strategic reviews, strategy development and implementation of change programmes across a range of companies. Gerry has chaired a number of national committees and has acted as an advisor and programme reviewer to third level institutions, EU governments and public authorities. 


Gerry was first elected as a member of the ACEI Executive in 2014 and has served on the Board in a variety of roles including: Convenor of the Civil Committee; Second Vice-President and Vice-President.  He has also maintained active involvement in the Civil Committee of the ACEI over many years.