The Construction Sector Group was established following the launch of Project Ireland 2040, and its role is to ensure regular and open dialogue between Government and the construction sector on how best to achieve and maintain a sustainable and innovative construction sector positioned to successfully deliver on the commitments in Project Ireland 2040. A Sustainability and Climate Action Consultation Group has been set up under Action 2: Explore and Mobilise Construction Innovation Funding, with representation from the RIAI.

The CSG Innovation & Digital Adoption’s Sustainability Consultation Group have produced a report on initial research and innovation required to deliver on Housing for All, The National Development Plan and the Climate Action Plan. Under Action 2 of the 7 priority actions dealt with by the Innovation & Digital Adoption Group, the group is now seeking to speak with interested innovation and research partners for the various proposals to provide support in applying for suitable funding.

The CSG Innovation &The proposals are divided according to the four themes outlined in the stakeholder survey. However, it should be noted that many of the proposals could, and should, stretch across themes to ensure a holistic approach to sustainability is considered when planning and constructing our future built environment.

If you are interested in any of the topics or have further suggestions, please contact David Browne and Karolina Backman.